Mmh, you make my mouth water. I want to rund my tongue over your amazing nipple, want to wrap my lips around your tit. Do you feel it warm and sexy as I gently suck your tit into my mouth, flick my tongue over your nipple? As one of my hands holds your other tit, plays with your other nipple, my other hand runs over your body: you back, your neck, my hands go through your hair - as I suck your nipples - I run my fingers over your face, over your lips: do you want to suck on my fingers as my other hands runs down your body, between your legs, to explore you there, how wet you are, how wonderful your pussy feels?. Mmh, the thought is getting me so hard. What a great closeup. I love your dark areola and your pointing nipple. Yes, I'd love to suck your young nipple. Mmmmmmm I do! Love your puffy nipples and big aerolas.So damn hot! Love the close up. Wonderfully suckable nipple. Wish I was there. Oh yes. Run the tip of my tongue on the tip of your nipple.
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